man in black shirt sitting on wooden rocking chair


David2022, BeachcomberFX, History, Psalm, Wor Yem Leave a Comment

Psalm 103:13-16

Remembering is important, it is how we learn.  Sometimes our remembering is personal.  We experience something and this experience teaches us something that we take with us going forward. From remembering to duck when we walk through that small doorway so we don’t bang our head to the feeling we got when we first fell in love and our desire to hang on to that forever.  Other remembering is handed to us through the wider community we find ourselves apart of.  Our history, culture and traditions are prime examples of this.  We remember because it helps us move forward and make progress, especially when we learn from the mistakes we and others have made.  The Psalmist states that God remembers us. From our very beginning as dust.  When I hear this verse I am reminded that I am no different from anyone else.  All part of the same human race, trying to make my way in the world.  It reminds me that as important as I may think I am, in the grand scheme of things I am like grass or a flower in a field that is here and then is gone and is remembered by very few.  It reminds me to stay grounded.  I doubt I will every change the world and in a thousand  years time be remembered by future generations.  I can change those close to me though. So each day I remember that I can help my children to be better versions of me. I can teach them my mistakes and help them come through the mistakes they make. I hope they will remember these things and use them to change those people they know for the better as well.

Photo Challenge: Take a picture of something inspired by the word remember. Use the hashtag #woryem

Remember the journey
Remember the people

There is time to remember in this season of advent
Stop for a moment
Who do you miss?

We are a community of faith.
Strandlopers on a journey.
We remember that which we miss in this season of advent
By God’s grace we go.

Photo by Mehmet Turgut  Kirkgoz

Part of the BeachcomberFX Wor Yem Advent Series

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