I recently watched the Netflix mini series, Eric, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch. The series is set in 1980’s New York and follows Vincent whose son goes missing. There is also a lot of puppets… but not the creepy kind, honest. The show deals with a whole load of issues from addiction, racism, homophobia, wealth and corruption. It asks questions that are …
Thank You
I went to an awards ceremony last night. I had been nominated along with some others for an award as part of the Northumberland FA’s Grassroots football awards. I sat in a room with a 100 or so people and 22 awards were handed out to individuals and groups recognising the good work they have done in different areas. Last …
War may be good for absolutely nothing but it is hard to escape the fact that we are surrounded by violence. From a fight in a playground to rival gangs fighting over territory right through to the events taking place in Ukraine right now. The world is at war. As people faith or those trying to work out what life looks …
Walter Brueggemann : Sunday@thePub Blog
Born in Nebraska in 1933, Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament theologian, St Louis Cardinals fan and for some, one of the most influential Old Testament scholars of the last 40 years or so. He uses a practice called rhetorical criticism (basically looking at the meaning behind words, phrases, images, gestures, performances, texts, films etc that people use to communicate) …
Granville Sharp : Sunday@thePub Blog
This post was written for Sunday@thePub and can be found here. This first post on prophets and influencers is on Granville Sharp. I am going to assume that not many people know who he is, but out of interest you could respond with a ? or ? below if you know or don’t know, and haven’t used the internet or …
Who would you invite to tea? : A Sunday@thePub Blog
I can’t remember why I thought of this idea. Maybe it came to me in a dream one night or a vision whilst sat in a local coffee shop. Where ever it came from I thought it would make an interesting conversation starter so here we go. Most people like eating and most of all they like eating with others. …
What is the bible? The End! : Sunday@thePub Blog
It’s a book. Well, a collection of books. Gathered together over 1000’s of years which tells of people’s experience of God. Their struggles, joys, highs and lows. Like these four posts they don’t always make sense when read on their own. Like these posts they sometimes need the larger context to be best understood. Sometimes the stories reference things we …
çfarë është Bibla? Pjesa e tretë – When things go wrong… : Sunday@thePub Blog
I like driving and when I turned the ripe old age of 17 I decided I wanted to learn. I spoke to friends who had already passed their test about who had taught them. I researched the cost and if I should do an intensive course or weekly lessons. In the end I decided I would trust the expertise of …
What is the Bible? Part Deux! – Hobbies and pass times : Sunday@thePub…
What is your favourite hobby or something you really enjoy doing? Painting, baking, making beer, playing with model trains, shopping or maybe listening to music! When we are really into something we do a number of things to immerse ourselves in our pass time. 1. You watch, listen to or read what others have to say. You find experts who …
What is the Bible? Part 1 : Sunday@thePub Blog
What is the Bible? A book… Well yes and no. It’s a collection of books (the word bible comes from the greek word tà biblía which means ‘the books’)… They also aren’t all books. A good number are letters, some are collections …